Meet our dedicated team of researchers, comprising doctors, medical students, graduates, undergraduates and more.

Dr. Marcus Ng

Lab Director

Dr. Joseph Peedicail


Dr. Graham McLeod

Neurology Resident

Darion Toutant

M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering

Antonio Pellegrino

Medical Student

Isham Umair

Medical Student

Aneri Patel

BHSt. Health Policy, Planning and Evaluation

Michael Avila Salas

B.Sc. Hons Psychology

Daniel Paul

B.Sc. Data Science

Asemba Monsevula

B.H.Sc (Health Sciences)

Zisong (Alex) Wang



Arman Hatamzadeh
Amirhossein Ghassemi


Our research is not only driven by our team, but also by the significant collaborative efforts of diverse groups and organizations who bring their unique expertise and perspectives to our projects.